Thursday, July 14, 2005

Revolution, Terror, Insurgency?

As Americans we should understand the basic concept of revolution. Our nation was founded by revolution, throwing off a repressive regime after clearly announcing the justice of our cause for all the world to see—you may recall that as the Declaration of Independence. That’s why it is so difficult to understand the motivation, the justification, the rationale of the terrorists of the Jihad.

Terrorists don’t have the political authority to conduct a revolution. That requires a dissatisfied majority of the population. You’ve got to have numbers to take to the streets and overthrow a government. No, terrorists don’t have the numbers. But, by attracting attention to their cause and then demonstrating to the populace that the existing government cannot fulfill the basic function of a government—security of the state they hope to muster support and eventually achieve the plurality necessary to gain power and achieve their goals. At least that’s the theory.

But, the goals have traditionally been to bring stability, prosperity, justice and a hope for a better life to the nation or the region. What then is the motivation of the suicide bombers? Despicable "warriors"

Political action should be for the purpose of improving your life not ending it. How does one justify a movement that encourages giving up your own life, not for a greater good, but simply to create the maximum of mayhem? If I am successful and you are not, you might be envious. If I ignore you and maybe even take from you to benefit myself and arguably to make your lot even worse, you might resist me. But, if I am successful and I reach out a hand to aid you, improve your existence, elevate your lot in life—maybe not to the wealth level of my own, but significantly above your current wretchedness, why would you try to bring me down to your level rather than try to raise yourself and your family to a better life?

Certainly there are significant cultural differences in play here. But, there is a commonality of humanity one should be able to discern despite the religious difference. How does a movement that seems intent on total destruction continue to attract adherents? How does a morality supposedly bequeathed to man by a benevolent deity square with killing of innocent women and children? How does sending young men and women into crowds with bombs strapped to their bodies lead to an improvement in the political environment?

This clearly isn’t revolution. It has little popular appeal. Most assuredly it is terrorist. The jihadists seek to undermine the very basis of society and they provide no alternative which is demonstrably better than the status quo. And, the use of the word “insurgent” to describe these animals is way too charitable.

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