Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Contest: Seeking Help and Opinions

I've used up my wars as fodder for books. I've fulfilled a long-held goal of helping to make Robin Olds memoir a real piece of history that won't be so easily lost. Now, I've got to get something going to keep me off the streets and maybe entertain some readers. I've got some ideas and I've made a start on three of them. Now I'm asking for help. Over the next three days I'll be posting excerpts from the three started projects, then asking for comments and opinions for which seems to hold the most potential.

I'll give you a brief one paragraph overview and then a chunk of the text to get the flavor of the story. On the fourth day, I'll ask you to offer a comment on which you prefer. Don't comment until all three have been posted but then please take a moment to give some input.

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