Monday, June 20, 2011

Definition of "Unnatural Act"

I'm sorry, but this is evil.


LauraB said...

I'll be sure to lodge your complaint with my friend on the team. "Evil", right? *snicker*

Neatest dang thing since spray cheese.

MagiK said...

As a ground support vehicle it looks nice..but I prefer the A10 for that role STOVL or not. :) Of course Im not a pilot so my opinion is worth about as much as the ink in this message ;)

Anna said...

Impressive. Am reminded of that joke on the Phantom II. With enough thrust, can make a brick fly. Seems something similar can apply to the F-35B.

It seems they moved away from the Harrier being ticky due to F-402 placement to installing a lift fan that is dead weight in flight. Not sure if that is an improvement.

Speaking of thrust; if the F-35B does not get its weight under control, will some Admiral named Tom get before Congress and say there is not enough thrust in all of Christiandom to save it?