Monday, September 15, 2008

Be Very Afraid

Redistribution of wealth from the rich to the euphemistically titled “less fortunate” is an accepted part of American life. We’ve got several generations now which have been indoctrinated into the belief that it is the proper role of government to equalize wealth. The relationship of that to the Marxist mantra of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” seems to be overlooked.

But, take a look at this chilling commentary from a few days ago at Investors Business Daily, hardly an hysterical right or left wing political blog:

We Will Teach Your Children

The goals and accomplishments of Public Allies seem pretty apparent. The linkage to Barak Obama and Michelle seems credibly established. The proposal, if elected, to establish this Universal Public Service program has been stated several times in the campaign. I noted one of them a couple of months ago and likened it to the Hitler Jugend.


Anonymous said...

I'd say what they're doing on Wall Street is redistribution of wealth--from the middle class to the super rich!

We’ve got several generations now which have been indoctrinated into the belief that it is the proper role of government to look the other way when crooks on Wall Street steal the nation's wealth....

Anonymous said...