Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Good Old Days

A day to suspend political palaver, back off the bloviating and reminisce about a remarkable time and place filled with remarkable friends--human and machine.

This is what started me off:

Now The Good Guys are Exaggerating

And this is what it looked like:

And this is how things have changed:


MagiK said...

LoL at the JDAM Blues. Guess it really is different now.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the title you gave the link:

"Now the Good Guys are Exaggerating"

It's a political convention. There are no "good guys" there, by definition!

Face it--and actually I've formulated much of this view reading you and Broughton (and listening to Frank Zappa), just connect the dots--you guys who fought so hard in Vietnam for that old time America we only see these days in antique stores--you got the short end of the stick . . . back then and, apparently, the other night at the convention.

The "gears" and the "wheels" won. The system of General Ryan prevailed. McNamera may be gone, but common sense is vanquished forever and the bean counters are firmly in control.

And I got the short end of the stick too . . . dumb kids like me whose minds were electronically simplified by the televised zeitgeist of LBJs "Great Society"--sexual revolution, summer of "love", women's lib, The Beatles . . . another dumb kid brainwashed to hate his own country and feel ashamed of his own culture....

Were all of us that lived through the sixties the subjects of some global MK-ULTRA experiment?

Heck, read those final chapters of Going Downtown, and you might think so.

What can I say? I'm only in my 40s and, darn it, I'm jaded!

Secure from rant. ;-)

--Big C

Ed Rasimus said...

Big C:

The exaggeration was the narrative of the McCain video saying that his father had ordered the carpet bombing of Hanoi--

That's simply wrong on two significant counts. There was NEVER carpet bombing, not even five years after John was shot down during the B-52 raids of Linebacker II. And CINCPAC was out of the decision chain on all Route Pack VI targeting decisions. Those were made by Johnson/Nixon and came through JCS to 7th Air Force/MACV in Saigon--it bypassed Hawaii.