Saturday, March 14, 2009

Modern American Thinking

He lives and works in Washington. Well actually he works in Washington and lives in Prince George's County in Maryland. Either way, you get the idea. He's a thinker which is a euphemism for opinion columnist for the Washington Post. That should mean that he has a view of the "Big Picture" and America as a nation in a dangerous world. It should mean that, but does it? Take a look:

Thinking Global--Not

OK, I get that he's a father and he's concerned about his son. But when he comments on something like service to his country and distills the debate down to cash for college versus individual exposure to harm he displays the ignorance of the popular culture. Military service isn't about those two alternatives being weighed. It's bigger than that.

What he needs to ponder before having that conversation with his son about a life choice is what his nation and his security means to him. He needs to consider what it takes to preserve what we have, what we've built and what we value. He needs to remember the threats we have faced to our national survival in the past and the ones we will continue to face today and tomorrow.

Most importantly, he needs to ask who is responsible for providing him this protection? He seems to brag that he comes from an anti-war generation yet he ignores the fact that being anti-war doesn't make war go away. He considers himself fortunate that he didn't serve, yet he fails to recognize that such service is essential to our way of life.

Mr. Milloy, if not you or your son, then who should protect you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's a coward. "What a sigh of relief I let out when the war in Vietnam ended before my draft number came up. " (Emphasis mine). In other words, before he had to make a tough decision, does he do his duty or follow his anti-war conscience and suffer the consequences of either.
IMHO, his son is more a man than he.