Sunday, June 07, 2009

Fighter pilots are better and cooler than you!

I went into considerable detail in "When Thunder Rolled" and "Palace Cobra" to explain exactly what a fighter pilot is, and often what he isn't. Despite my best efforts, some folks never seem to get it, no matter how it is explained to them. The only thing they believe these days is what they find from a reliable online source, like a wiki.

So, for those who still need the details, here is a complete summary of exactly what you are dealing with when you encounter a fighter pilot:

What a Fighter Pilot Is

Study that and learn it, there will be a test later.

Use this to help you identify if someone is truly a fighter pilot or merely a pretender:

Fighter pilots are highly skilled and take pride in their ability to consume massive quantities of alcohol, and can speak in complete sentences consisting entirely of swear words.

And this:

Fighter pilots usually are given testosterone-ridden callsigns like "Jockstrap" or "Whiplash." However, those who try to name themselves are invariably given the callsign "Manbitch."

Remember, you heard it all from "Thunder".


Anonymous said...

Ed, I told you not to drink the Ponche Caballaro without a wingman present.

Ed Rasimus said...

Can't go wrong with a Silver Bullet!

Anonymous said...

Take any given marine, take away his rifle and give him a fighter, teach him to operate it and you will have a fighter pilot. Conversely take away the fighter pilots fighter and give him a rifle and in short order you have a marine.

Slug the Sailor (MM2)

Ed Rasimus said...

Sorry to disagree, Slug, but "Fighter Pilot" is not simply someone who knows how to operate a tactical aircraft. It is an attitude toward life and how to do things. Not all folks flying fighters are Fighter Pilots and not all Fighter Pilots are flying fighters.

You will notice by that rationale, most Marines are Fighter Pilots by their very nature.