Friday, November 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

OK, the trickle of damning evidence is reaching a torrent now. The question I've got to ask is who was minding the store? Who did Hasan work for? Who did they work for? Who worked with him? Who worked for him?

I've been in the military and I know they system, or at least the way the system was then. Officers and senior NCOs are intelligent and dedicated people. They are also honest, blunt, occasionally crude and inevitably patriotic. What was going on around Hasan?

Let's recognize for a second that the Medical Corps is a bit different than line. The mission is different, the backgrounds are different and even the philosophy is different, but they are in the chain of command and, like it or not, they wear the uniform and are subject to the UCMJ. Who was paying attention to this odd-ball? Were they all cowed into this abysmal jungle of political correctness that fails to recognize the enemy, the associations with the enemy, the manifestations of sympathy for the enemy, the announciation of support for the enemy? Is there no one to stand and shout, "Incoming"?

He gives a professional briefing with PowerPoint slides to an assembly of his peers and in it he professes support for and understanding of the mission of our enemies, yet no one says this is treason. What happened to rational thinking?

He suggests, then demands that he be excused from deployment because he is Muslim and doesn't want to fight Muslims. Does he not distinguish that the war is against violent, terrorist, Neanderthals who wish to thrust us back into the 12th century rather than against adherents to his "religion of peace"? That lack of judgment alone renders him unqualified for further service.

Can you imagine soldiers in World War II asking for excusal from combat because the Germans are predominantly Christians and he doesn't want to fight against his own religion?

I don't condone wire-tapping, email monitoring, or financial background investigations without warrant. In the case of Major Hasan, however, there seems to have been more than enough openly available information about his allegiance to justify issuance of such warrants.

And, if I hear the Chief of Staff of the Army utter that inane drivel about "we don't want diversity to become a casualty of this" one more time I will scream. If this is what diversity gives us then it damn well better become not only a casualty but a bloody mort!

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