Saturday, May 08, 2010

Terminally Stupid

Want to know why our kids are so woefully uneducated? Want to know the intellectual capacity of some teachers and administrators? Try this on for size:

The Jolly Rancher Bust

Courageously, the administrator and teacher barricade themselves away from the TV camera. Brilliantly they hide behind state law. Fearlessly they explain their reluctance to endanger federal funds. Heroically they protect this potential criminal from a childhood with a piece of candy in her pocket leading to who knows what sort of future addictions.

Is state law that stupid? Not really according to the report. The law stops things like cafeteria junk food, vending machine junk, and similar. The law allows discretion and judgment. The consequences of stupidity seem to be less detailed.


Anonymous said...

According to the article:

Jack Ellis, the superintendent for Brazos Independent School District, declined an on-camera interview. But he said the school was abiding by a state guideline that banned “minimal nutrition” foods.

“Whether or not I agree with the guidelines, we have to follow the rules,” he said.

Just following orders. Didn't we once build about fifty million B-17s with the express purpose of dropping iron bombs on people like that?

MagiK said...

I find it Sad that this was in Texas...I was planning on escaping to Texas to get away from this Bull...

*sigh* Im sure the Oberfuherer at the school was most pleased with the actions taken.

Anna said...

anon I think the term is 'beifels unt beifels' While the underground trade in Jolly Rachers is crimped, what serious crimes go unfettered? Like putting Mr. Ellis in charge of the school. Seems he needs to be in first grade.