Friday, September 10, 2010


It brings back memories of American metropolitan area reactions to events like an NBA championship or a Super Bowl win. We celebrate by taking to the streets, torching cars, breaking store windows, looting and getting so drunk we lie in pools of our own vomit for a day and a half afterward. Yes, nothing says involvement like an eruption of random, bloody destruction.

That's why this seems so very appropriate:

Eleven Injured in Afghanistan Riots Over Koran Burning

The message of that posting is precisely what I've been saying. Resistance to intimidation and a clear statement of America's unwillingness to be cowed by an organization of thugs is the proper course of action. Why no one seems willing to do that is a puzzlement.

And, when they get really mad it us and storm the Bastille, the defenders will be likely to injury some of them. Apparently their outrage is so complete that they are even willing to injure themselves to demonstrate it.

That should teach us a lesson!


Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

You don't negoatiate with a rabid dog. You minimize interactions with him, while you take aim - and shoot him dead.

Anonymous said...

It has been interesting to watch the politicians seek to "contain" patriotic response to these related issues. Consider:

1) When it comes to sticking a cross in urine, flinging dung on a painting of the Virgin Mary or seeking to grant illegal aliens the rights reserved to citizens, the "progressives" just love the Constitution. However, they are only too willing to establish speech codes in universities, and fence off "free speech zones" when people peacefully assemble to protest, as well as attack so-called "hate speech" and the Second Amendment....

2) We have an on-going war without a policy that will produce a national victory, but rather a policy that promotes the interests of the international oligarchs: IMF, UN, Bilderberg, City of London, Wall Street, Queen of England, Queen of the Netherlands, House of Saud....

3) Has Obama done anything to draw down the stateless contractors and mercenary profiteers?

4) Opium Poppy production.

5) Republicans seeking to co-opt the Tea party with popular surrogates who look like grass roots Republicans, while the country club old boys--the same gang who in the past two elections let the Democrats take control of the Executive and Congress--continue to run the party.

6) Whatever your perspective on the "War on Terror"--be you a grass-roots Republican, grass-roots Democrat, libertarian, paleoconservative, student-leftist, anarchist--isn't it interesting how the Democratic leadership has artfully flip-flopped and has effectively stamped out the anti-war movement as a political force?

7) Obama's role in the UN.

8) Erosion of the Constitution.

9) National debt.

10) Media and Hollywood propaganda attacking established American culture, religion and institutions.

11) The "race card."

12) Moving the manufacturing infrastructure offshore and otherwise eroding the power and institutions of the middle class.

Connect these data points and the answer is obvious.