Thursday, March 19, 2009

Equality Has Limits

I'm all for social equality. No, I don't mean that we should all be reduced to the same level of crudity of a professional wrestling headliner or a bling-festooned rap star. I mean that discrimination based on ethnic, racial, religious, gender, age or other immutable characteristics should be minimized to the greatest extent possible in society. We should be provided equality of opportunity. I recognize that we should not be guaranteed equality of outcomes.

What I can't abide is the blathering about economic equality. It runs counter to everything I believe in; everything I've worked for in my life. What's mine is mine and I'm willing to respect that what's yours is similarly yours. I only want what I earn, but once I've earned it I wish to keep it. I'll share if I want to, but only if I want to and then only to the extent which I choose. Simple concept, heh?

Read this piece carefully in the WSJ:

It's All About Fairness

I especially like the data source for the chart. The whole concept behind that should petrify you.

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