Sunday, March 29, 2009

Will I Get a Neato Knife?

He was very clear about it during the campaign. He called it a "civilian security force" and indicated that it should be equal in size, armament and capability to the US military. But, isn't civilian security a local responsibility in our federal system? Isn't that what we have police, sheriffs and state law enforcement agencies for? Weren't the Founding Fathers absolutely opposed to any sort of domestic federal para-military organization?

The Messiah holds the reins of government now and his lackies in the Congress are more than willing to institutionalize their control of the populace. Read this:

House Starts the Program

Yep, they've given it a neat patriotic name, and they even include provisions for uniforms. Gotta have a uniform so you can have rank and structure. Uniforms bestow authority and if designed properly can create necessary fear and respect from the citizenry. Hitler and Mussolini knew that.

Remember also, the dictate of Karl Marx regarding religion being the opiate of the masses. Take away religion and you've successfully stripped away morality, ethics, responsibility and the limits that conventional society might impose on your actions. Therefore, there won't be any of that Boy Scout stuff allowed in the Obama Jugend:

No Namby-Pamby Worshipping Either

Now, we would waste a whole lot of money if we had to start from scratch with a new Federal Bureaucracy. How about we use an existing agency, one which has proven beneficial to the Messiah in the past? Let's flood those good folks with money to thank them for their effort in registering non-existant voters.

Foxes in the Hen House

A quarter of a million young people, indiscriminate by definition and emotional, to be trained and indoctrinated by, of all agencies, ACORN. Seriously $5.7 billion is a lot of organizational funding. It comes out to well over $22,000 per trainee.

This is not a move in a good direction.

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