Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama Meets Reality

Flashback to those thrilling days of yesteryear...just last yesteryear during the campaign. In regularly forgetting that he was running against John McCain, the Messiah vilified the Bush administration foreign policy as too heavy-handed and inadequately nuanced. The fact that George W. Bush wasn't going to be in the White House in 2009 made no difference. Run against Bush and then link McCain to the outgoing President despite their regular disagreements during the previous eight years. It worked well.

Now President Barack Obama is on the real world hot seat. So, how's that nuance thing working out for you, Barry?

All it would take, he had told us was initiating a dialogue. Show a willingness to talk, negotiate, roll over and let your tummy be rubbed. Results are trickling in.

Two days ago the President made a saccharine sweet video congratulating the Iranian peace-loving people on their Persian new year celebrations. He looked forward to meeting and talking and friendship. The response has come in:

The Ayatollah Slapdown

Ohh, bad news! All right, what about that festering pustule to the south in oil-rich Venezuela? Remember his stirring speech to the United Nations about the stench of brimstone remaining after the President of the United States had addressed the group? So what does socialist buddy Hugo Chavez have to say about the new administration's hand of friendship?


Not very diplomatic there, amigo! All right, Rome didn't collapse in a day. What about the most likely start of a nuclear meltdown on the Asian front? Pouty, pompadoured Supreme Leader simply needs a little TLC to warm up to us, doesn't he?

Kim Jong-Ill-will

Doesn't look like any sort of detente has been reached there either. The fallout (pun intended) of a Korean excursion further into the nuclear world has a very capable Japan strongly indicating their immediate jump into the nuclear club.

Obama doesn't look to be a success at nuclear non-proliferation either.


Anonymous said...

As his former campaign opponent and now Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton, said: "He's dangerously naive."

Her words, spoken during the heat of battle, now haunt me every time Wonder Boy puts another nail in the American coffin.

I also think back to McCain's utterance that he "is no economist". Obama jumped on that truthful admission and has now embarked on a crusade to prove that he knows even less than McCain when it comes to fiscal policies.

I just finished When Thunder Rolled and Palace Cobra in the last two weeks and am pleasantly surprised to find your blog.

Thanks for your service to our country.

Bob Powell, CMSgt, USAF (Ret.)
RVN 68-69

Ed Rasimus said...

And to your for yours, Chief.