Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beware of Unusual Friends


Murphy's Law said...

This is what the Dems are going to do. They will pick the most unelectable Republican and campaign vigorously for him, hoping to knock the real threats to Obama out. They have a long history of doing this sort of thing, especially in states with open primaries. This time it appears that they're trying to stoke the fires around Paul because they know that he has no ability to beat Obama--he's the one that they'd most want to see in the general election and that should be a big red warning sign to everyone right there.

Sadly, the Paulbots won't ever take heed.

PickYourBattles.Net said...

Ron Paul is the only Republican who can beat Obama, so far.

an Donalbane said...

I am not so critical of Dr. Paul as this blog's host (I didn't quite follow his comparison of the candidate to Hitler) and Murphy's Guy - in fact, I agree with Dr. Paul on several issues (we part ways on drug legalization and full isolationism, and differ in degee on other matters).

However, Ed and several of the commenters are exactly correct in saying Paul's unelectable, writ large. His main value/virtue is in his unerringly consistent [albeit flawed] message which injects a measure of [small 'l'] libertarianism into a field/dialogue otherwise comprised of RINOs of various stripes.

But the guy to beat BHO? The truth is it isn't, and won't be, Ron Paul.