Monday, August 04, 2008

How We Have Changed

This needs to be dusted off and watched at least once every year. As you watch this classic, think of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry and the others.

Contrast that with the reality of the Senate Majority Leader’s statement:

Reid Embraces Lost War

I mean, he really means it:

Really Lost

Well, if we had someone with reliable, first-hand experience reporting what was going on, would you listen?

And I know better than the guy commanding

Do Americans really love a good fight? Is it true that they can’t tolerate a defeat? This guy seems to challenge all of that thinking. And the pigs are loving it.

Like crap through a goose...

Yep, we need to pull out that old video and listen to those dramatic words and view them through the incredible challenge that was World War II. Then compare them to what we see today and the insignificant level of discomfort that coddled Americans face in battling a global force that seeks to drag us back into the twelfth century.

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