Saturday, August 02, 2008

There I Was…

So, there I was pondering what pithy pronouncements I would regale my readers with this fine Friday morning when I came face to face with either the illogic of computers or a surreptitious undermining of my First Amendment rights. I’m leaning toward the computer since I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist.

I’ve been picking on the Messiah lately, and I know he has minions scattered not only throughout this country, but also in adoring throngs around the free and formerly free world. It could be them banding together to silence me. But, I doubt it.

Yet, he seems to know what people are going to say before they say it. He pre-empts with abandon and in the process builds sympathy for the poor downtrodden Harvard educated black man with several million dollars. Did you watch all of the news reports on Thursday of his bleating that McCain won’t talk issues with him? No, he whimpered, that nasty ol’ man is going to tell you this, that and the other thing to scare you about me. Not that he did it, but he’s going to!

Sure, I believe that. McCain is going to tell us that Barack Obama’s got a “funny name.” Well, aside from the point that it is different than John Smith by a lot of miles, so what? It is a funny name. But, I personally don’t feel great fear about that. I felt much greater fear over a President named Hillary.

There’s going to be implications that the young Senator doesn’t look like the faces you see on our currency. OK, I’ve got to agree there. All of those guys are dead. Obama is much more animated. A lot of them have wigs on. Obama’s got a nice modern cut. They wear funny coats. Barack takes his off and rolls up his sleeves so that he looks like “working class”—which he’s not. Oh yeah, and they are all white. Remember, that’s the slang terminology about our currency, “pictures of dead white guys.” So, McCain is going to tell you that Barack Obama is black. He didn’t and hasn’t but Obama knows he will. Not at all scary stuff, particularly since the apprentice legislator is always reminding us that he’s black already.

So, you can see how I might think that someone in the bowels of the Blogger software is a tool of the Obama campaign that won’t let me point this out to you.

Or, it could be the explanation they posted when I tried to log on this morning. They claim that ThunderTales looks like a “Spam Blog”! But, they confess that their detection algorithms are dodgy software and “fuzzy” at best, so they will review the place and use a human to do that.

When you get to read this you will know that I’ve passed my tests and got my
Google Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

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