Friday, December 05, 2008

I’m a Believer

I didn’t believe for the last two years. He stood before us nightly and explained in broad, nebulous terminology that he was “the agent of Change.” He was not in the mold of venal Washington insiders. He was bipartisan, despite no evidence at all of ever having been involved in a bipartisan initiative of any sort. He was audaciously hopeful, clear-eyed and brilliant. He was “change we can believe in.” And, I didn’t believe.

He told us that John McCain was “Bush III.” That was not Change! That was not different. He told us that Hillary Clinton was wrong in her view of Iraq and Afghanistan and the war on terror. That was not Change. He told us that the Bush administration Defense Department was incompetent and inefficient. That he, despite absolutely zero military experience or familiarity was going to Change the DOD. He told us that Bill Richardson was wrong on trade policy and NAFTA and immigration and commerce. That wouldn’t be real Change. He told us that Bill Clinton wasn’t a populist, President of the people and his legacy Justice Department was as badly flawed as George Bush’. He told us he would bring change. But, I didn’t believe.

Now he is in elected office. I know he’s in elected office, because the sign he stands behind each day says so. It says it’s an “office” and it belongs to the President-elect. So he’s in an elected office. QED.

He announces his cabinet choices each day. And, I can see the Change taking place. He has changed virtually everything he said during his campaign. He promised he would bring Change and he delivers daily. We see a Clinton cabinet re-forming before our eyes. There’s Hillary; the flawed diplomat who made so many mistakes in his view with her foreign policy positions on the campaign trail. She’s in charge of his foreign policy.

He promised a new approach to defense. He delivered there, by Changing from his dissatisfaction with the administration to retention of the SecDef. It’s the first time that has ever been done in history! That’s Change!

He returns the ol’ “pardon-meister” to Justice, and free-trader Richardson to Commerce. That’s sure a Change from his policy proposals on the campaign stump.

Yep. I doubted he would bring Change, but I was wrong. He Changes everyday from what he promised to what is expedient for the moment. And he continues to prove he is clueless with regard to assuming any sort of responsible leadership position. He’s a drowning man grasping at hands which he thinks are reaching to help him. They might be intending to push him under.

But, now I’m a believer!

1 comment:

Carter Kaplan said...

This guy came out of the womb "pushed under" . . . and so destined to be the most glorified stuffed-shirt in human history.

Meantime, we are going to be in a real fix if it hits the fan. Who will be in charge then? Who is he going to duck under?