Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A Is A

The issue went to the Supreme Court, and they apparently will be found wanting.

Here's a detailed discussion of what we've got, what we need, and what the outcomes could be:

Simple Cure

Now, let us stipulate something very basic here. The US Constitution is the supreme law of this land. It says things in language which is sometimes clear and sometimes obtuse. When the language is clear, the discussion ends easily. When it is obtuse, the Supreme Court is obligated to interpret.

For pundits and pontificators to simply declare that "it makes no difference" is not a solution that can stand.

1 comment:

Carter Kaplan said...

"For pundits and pontificators to simply declare that 'it makes no difference' is not a solution that can stand."

One would think so, but then there is this "alternate reality" we find ourselves in. Remember when Kirk went to the anti-universe where Spock had a beard.... ;-)