Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Beat Goes On

Don't worry about missing the news for a day or two. It's going to be the same thing whenever you turn it on.

This is government run amok. A willing President who seems largely oblivious to the concept of relating income to outgo is aiding and abetting a Congress which is well controlled by Caligula, Nero and Pelosi. They are eagerly feeding their constituency at the public trough without regard to any future consequences. The only certain outcome is their dependents will eagerly return them to office to continue the dismantling of the country's economic capability.

Take a look at some of yesterday's goodies:

Have They No Shame?

This is little more than a group of spoiled five year olds who have a magic pen that writes letters to Santa Claus which are always fulfilled. Simply write it down and you will most assuredly have it under your Christmas tree...but, wait. Why delay until Christmas? You've got it all now. Simply take it.

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