Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Predict the Future

The "hope and change" crowd of fawning Obamaniacs won't notice. They are too concerned with when their government check will arrive with their share of the trillion dollar bailout. But if you want to try your hand at predicting the future and you would like the probability of being very accurate, then pay attention to this activity today:

A Pivotal Moment

There is very little doubt that the Messiah is not strongly committed either to support of Israel nor to taking the sort of positive, clear action which will control Iran. He simply won't do anything.

Israel faces a real and escalating threat to their very existence. Netanyahu and Livni are both committed to survival. If you live there it would be hard to be anything else. With an electoral mandate, you could reasonably anticipate that the IDF is going to have to do something about the mad-man in Teheran. It might be neat and surgical or it might be big and rough. But something will follow from the election and Obama would do well to start getting some serious briefings on his options. Hillary, are you listening?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it's neat and surgical, but I'm not going to blame them if it ends up messy and rough. Sometimes life is like that.