Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What Income Level Equals Forgiveness?

Remember when Clinton was going through the cabinet process and his attorney general appointments? Remember the "Nanny tax" and similar gotchas?

So far we've had Geitner, then Daschle and now this addition to the list:

Time For Confessions

A perverse mind might suggest appointing Gore, Rangel, Pelosi, Reid and a few others to cabinet posts. Might clean a lot of government up in a quick purge.

The Democrats seem very willing to tax high income EARNERS and redistribute to unfortunate welfare queens and princes, but when they reach high income levels through no apparent productive effort on their own, they somehow find themselves immune from the taxes.

Reread "Animal Farm" for a discussion of levels of equality in a socialist system.

1 comment:

Carter Kaplan said...

The confounded thing about arguing about socialism is this inevitable response: "Well, your example [be it the Soviets, Hitler, the ChiComs, Pol Pot] isn't real socialism."

You might again explain how in all cases history shows that socialism often begins as an earnest experiment, but as it develops and takes over a government the ideology always becomes corrupt and in fact has *never* succeeded. But then the response will be, "Well then, we have to give it a _real_ chance this time...."

It defies common sense. Actually, the people who embrace the myth of socialism exhibit the same key characteristics of members of a fanatical religion: disregard for common sense, disregard for history and past experience, and the irrational positivist conviction that"hope" and ideology alone are sufficient to make something good happen in the world.