Monday, August 02, 2010

Clueless in California

A United States Congressman, without hesitation, tells his constituents that "the United States Constitution imposes very few limits on what the Federal Government can regulate..." then he goes on to express his belief that the Federal Government can do ANYTHING in this country.

That explains so very much:

Where, oh where, are Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Hamilton, Jay, Adams...


MagiK said...

The Democrat party doesn't believe they apply to modern times.

The fact is, modern politicians believe they should not be limited by the constitution and that they know whats best for this country.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid, unimaginative, smug, self-satisfied, dull, cowardly, spider-infested pile of political clockwork!

Such people are cowards, and as such if you stand up to them they will shrink back, as this sea cucumber does in the video. But if you don't stand up to them, then they will turn you every which way but loose, ride you hard and put you away wet, do everything they can to break your spirit and take your property--indeed, these American socialists have spent the past fifty years studying how to break people. There is only one way to handle a bully: feed them a plate of wup ass! And then--and this is important--when they've slithered back into their holes, do not forget that THEY WILL COME BACK if you are not on guard!

The only reason such hamsters are in power is because the American people are too busy watching sports and taking drugs to mind the store. It's time to toughen up, get smart, get moving, and throw the socialists out!