Monday, August 23, 2010

Two Years in the Future

The question can be worded in several ways. It relates to the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election. Just a week ago we looked at an item in Politico that responded to the question of the Bamster being a one-term president with the cryptic, "Yes...if he lasts that long"!

Here's a slightly different approach to the prediction which comes up with a similar but different answer:

Does Obama WANT to Be a One-Term President?

They couch the answer in different terms. They see him as having an ambition to be above it all, a "senior statesman" called upon for solutions to the world's problems without the constraints of operating within the structure of a democratic republic. He reaches a transcendent level where he doesn't need to appeal to voters, build consensus, craft compromise or even balance a budget. He assumes the status of global oracle where supplicants come seeking his counsel and he reigns in supreme comfort and continued luxury.

That might be true. He certainly has shown little concern for the dirty work of actually governing. He is much more comfortable in the world of gad-about campaigner and celebrity visitor living the high life and being worshiped by a huge cadre of supplicants. This grind of actually being in the office working the issues is so much less fun than speaking of hope and change and a world of kumbaya.

Yet, long time readers may recall that over a year ago I shaped the question of the next Presidential election in totally different words. Just like the Politico and the Times of London, I observed that the Messiah seems to operate without concern for what the electorate wants or cares about. He moved as though he didn't worry about his popularity or support or future voters. My conclusion though was much different.

My conclusion was not the somewhat disastrous outcome of a shortened term postulated by the Politico, nor was it a grandiose retirement to a penthouse office upstairs above mundane government suggested by the Times.

I said he operated as though he knows the he will not be up for re-election because he doesn't intend to allow another election for President. Whether it will be martial law, a national emergency requiring suspension of routine political process, or a Chicago style wholesale hijacking of the election remains undetermined so far. But none of those options are beyond belief.

The remarkable aspect, however, is that the conclusion is becoming commonplace: the Bamster does not expect to win a Presidential election in 2012. We simply have to flesh out the circumstances of the occurrence.


Ralph said...

I’m glad that Raz had the guts to articulate the very real possibility that the narcisstic Messiah might take that abusive last step necessary to achieve a totalitarian form of government. But I take a slightly different view: i.e., that the Messiah will use subterfuge. With a huge infusion of cemetery voters, illegal immigrants and old fashioned, Chicago-style poll abuse, he can ensure his re-election in 2012 while preserving the appearance of a real election. Naturally, his minions in the mainstream media will help carry his water (again). In the meantime, the Messiah will conceal his intentions so as to not unduly alarm the electorate. No more talk of a new Islamic mission for NASA, and any plans the name a future aircraft carrier the Abdul Awwal will be placed on hold.

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

I see the next two years a little differently.
Come January of 2011 - when Boehner replaces Pelosi as Speaker of the House - I would hope that the Wrecking Ball (and that poor shlep, Joe Biden) will be made an offer they can't refuse: early term limits.

Resign, and they can have their choice of permanent exile to any nation that will accept them, or lengthy attendance at a US Constitution Re-Education Camp in Gitmo. Forfeiture of all government benefits is mandatory, and choosing exile forfeits US citizenship, as well.

jjet said...

He was hired by the Power Elite to do exactly what he's doing- bankrupting the middle class, bankrupting the FedGov and letting the investment banks steal what's left.

He will use the tools that W gave him- the MCA and the ill-named PATRIOT act- to crush the predictable (armed?) dissent.

The object is to incorporate the US into the North American Union and to usher in a one-world currency and attendant central world banking system.

To think that the spineless Republicans will miraculously return America to it's republican (small 'r') roots is absurd.

Why would they? They're being paid by the exact same people as are paying the Obortion and the mainstream media.

There will be no incentive for him to run again. His work will be done by 2012.

It's simple, really.

Now if he's shot and rises from the dead after 3 days, all bets are off.....hmm perhaps, Hillary isn't the anti-Christ after all.