Friday, December 31, 2010

And Their Point Would Be?

There is considerable difference between what is good and what is good for you. Anyone over the age of ten knows that. The food police of the current administration are reaching their well-toned, well-exercised, well-massaged, properly fed arms out to impose upon us the good habits which will help us to live long lives of indentured servitude in their benevolent administrations. We shall be protected against salt, sugar, fat and things that taste good whether we like it or not.

WSJ Writer Notes What's Good

When I see groups with righteous sounding titles like "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine" I immediately know that they are asses that are up to no good.
The "Physicians Committee" isn't quite the disinterested purveyor of health information that one might assume from the newspaper articles. The organization was founded to promote animal rights, and its horror of bacon and butter has less to do with concern over our arteries than with dismay at the grisly fate of pigs and the unjust captivity of cows. The committee's diet of choice isn't just vegetarian, but vegan. And their advice isn't so much scientific as it is moralistic—
That is a group which I would not like to go to dinner with. They probably don't drink beer either.

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