Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Defining Paranoia

It is easy. Paranoia is named Assange.

How duplicitous must one be to make statements that accuse friends and foes alike as being out to get you? How hypocritical is someone who leaks more than a million classified documents to the public without discrimination regarding the damage they might cause and then whines that news sources are leaking information damaging to him?

Why Doesn't Everyone Love Me?

Was he surprised that when he was arrested he would be in a prison with disreputable people? Was he shocked that with a warrant out for his arrest from Sweden that the details of the charges might be publicized? He's "not promiscuous" he just likes women...even if they aren't too hot for him, apparently.

He blackmails Bank of America with threats of a document dump, then when BOA suffers financial damage through declining stock prices he is astounded that they aren't supporting him.

This is a man with some serious problems.

1 comment:

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

The thing I don't understand about this guy, is why hasn't he been 'disappeared' yet?

Is the CIA really that busy?