Thursday, November 03, 2011

Citizen Satisfied

An American now restored to comfort and security within his neighborhood:
From: Carl Raabe
  Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 17:28
  To: Hubbard, Mark A CAPT CSFWP Commodore Cc: White, Michael S RDML(S) NPC, Pers-4; Black, Mark E CAPT CSFWP Deputy Commodore; Nelson, Todd M. CDR CSFWP OPS;
  Subject: RE: Noise Complaint 
  Captain Hubbard, 
  Thank you for your prompt and complete attention to this matter. 
  I am indeed encouraged and heartened by your rapid response to these past travesties. I am confident that your forcefulness in placing your hands firmly on the helm of this issue will pay dividends for all us... Your young aviators will get the training they truly deserve, the country will be better served by having the most competent aviators in the world, and I will get my "5 star rated" fly-bys. What more can we ask for? 
  Your leadership on this issue is exemplary, and is a credit to you and the Naval Service. I would be most pleased to favorably endorse your next FitRep accordingly, to ensure that the next promotion board is fully aware of your outstanding contribution to our country and the Naval Service. 
  If I may be of additional service, I will gladly assist your staff in any capacity as they pursue the work you have assigned them in reviewing this military training route. Even if the contribution is as small as providing occasional critiques of the aviator's route performance (from the comfort of my lounge chair by the pool), I will answer the call. 
  Your offer to accommodate both my wife and I as your guests at the Lemoore air show is both gracious and generous, and is a sign of your stellar leadership. Accordingly, we humbly accept your offer with great gratitude. 
  We would be honored to attend the air show on Saturday, 15 October.
  We look forward to meeting you, and being a part of this great event.
  Best regards, Carl & Gale Raabe 
  P.S. There is an answer to the above question, "What more can we ask for?"..... My wife says that attending this air show, with its "bone-shaking" jet noise, will hopefully, finally shut me up. She has had to tolerate the last 21 years in this house of my complaints about not enough jet noise and afterburners (on active duty, that need was satisfied by endless hours on the LSO platform on the Connie and Indy, and countless hours at the LSO shack out at NASL 32L). She has repeatedly stated that my complaints are louder than the jet noise, and she wants that changed.

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