Friday, May 22, 2009

Civics Lesson

If you've had sixth grade civics you probably know that the legislature writes the laws. Now, if you've had college courses in American Government you might be a bit more cynical. You've become aware that our congress-critters depend upon staff and even lobbyists to prepare proposals for them to submit over their names. It wouldn't be practical to expect our law-makers to slave away all night and on week-ends to write the laws they vote on and impose upon us. When could they raise campaign money?

And, besides, many of them are manifestly illiterate.

So, here we have TX Republican Joe Barton asking CA Dem. Henry Waxman if he knows what his own bill will do to America:

He admits he doesn't have a clue. He's relying on "the scientists" who convincingly don't have a clue about economics or business or global trade or world markets or the impact of drastically higher prices on everything Americans consume.

He doesn't have a clue.


Unknown said...

One problem is that he hasn't had a clue for a very long time and yet, here he is.

Anonymous said...

Dan Barton? Maybe Joe?

jjet said...

"Only in a democracy do we get the government we deserve", Bill.

And we're getting it good and hard.