Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nothing Happens by Chance

The Messiah comes forth this AM with the announcement of Jon Huntsman, Republican governor of Utah as his choice for ambassador to China. The speech carried the usual trademarks of the administration: fervent stares into the teleprompters and avoidance of eye contact with the camera, platitudes about bipartisanship, and a strong expression of China's importance in the world without even a hat tip to the dismal human rights record. Nothing new there.

Is it a good choice? Well, the fact that the gov is fluent in Mandarin couldn't hurt. That he is a Republican now tabbed to serve a conspiciously leftist administration is a nice nod. A Mormon from a conservative bastion seals the deal.

But, then the talking heads mentioned Huntsman as a potential Presidential candidate in 2012. Now we've got a puzzle. Take a look at this:

What's The Bottom Line?

For the Messiah there is absolutely no down-side here. He's got no fear of an ultra right wing, i.e. conservative, opponent really gaining traction to defeat him. It's the younger, more appealing and less strident sort of opposition that he has good reason to watch with caution. Methinks yon Huntsman has a lean and hungry look. Lets send Brutus out to the far reaches of the empire.

Take the rising star governor and put him on the other side of the world for a couple of prime fund-raising, name-building, news-making years. Yep, that's the ticket. When was the last time you saw a hot news item about an Ambassador to China?

No need to activate the media destruct team for Huntsman now. They can stay focussed on Palin, Jindal, Sanford, et. al.


MagiK said...

Why would Huntsman accept the post if he had bigger more important plans for later? Would being Ambasador be a leg up in some way?

Anna said...

Obama and his handlers are playing on what they consider a weakness of many to the right of them. The concept of duty. And if Huntsman walks away and the media does not cover his reasons, then over the next few years it will be spun to show Huntsman pursued personal amibtion instead of serving the country. And incredibly none of the MSM attack drones will even realize they are indicting Obama at the same time.