Thursday, March 31, 2011

Separating Satire from Serious

Did you know that Woody Harrelson ran for President in 2000? Yep! He was the candidate of the American Hemp Coalition. Not surprisingly his campaign went up in smoke.

Remember the campaign of Pat Paulsen?

So, what do we make of Donald Trump?

Trump the Birther?

Is the Donald for real? Is he serious or is he just having fun at our expense and killing time between bankruptcies and hot blonde wives? Is the Messiah a citizen? At this point what difference does it make? Is he a muslim? That isn't a disqualification regardless. So, what's with Trump?

There is always the double-agent option.

Don't laugh too hard. I learned the hard way about the subversive side of politics when I was running for office in Colorado. People that supported and stood with you were not always what they professed to be. Those who conferred and advised were later found to be within the camp of the opposition. Things said were taken out of context. Positions expressed in detail were modified and abbreviated until they were publicized to prove exactly the opposite. Trust and honor were not within the lexicon of the local party stalwarts.

Clarence Page offers an opinion on Trump and what his impact is on the body politic:

Trump Showcases Right-Wing Nut Views

If Trump is playing, he is doing us a disservice. If he is serious, he is patently unqualified to be a candidate. Either way he makes a strong case for ignoring him.


Anonymous said...

Personally I'd have to call what Trump's apparently up to a "frivolous candidacy." But then we've already elected this other guy, and I'm still moaning, "You can't be serious!" By virtue of the fact that Trump has some background in hiring and firing and meeting payrolls, he has a boatload more experience (qualification?) than the guy we've got now....

Mike B.

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