Thursday, March 03, 2011


Last night after a great dinner, we gathered to hear former President of Columbia, Alvaro Uribe, speak on his vision of leadership and development for his nation. He made the great point that South America is not to be ignored for resources, capacity and development. He is that rare commodity, a humble and transcendent leader who appears to exemplify the "big picture" without regard for his personal aggrandizement.

Then we had a bit of entertainment in which a remarkable amount of music was delivered by two very talented men. Doing this number at 8200 feet elevation is not for the aerobically challenged.


nzgarry said...

Music is great!.
Also, Uribe has a point in that South America is the sleeping giant of the New World.

Kansas Scout said...

You don't have email listed here so here is my request. I would really enjoy a kind of review of the performance of the jet fighters you flew back in the day and how they stand up to current fighters.