We sort of default in the tendency to paint the media as some sort of mindless tool of the left. We tend to condemn them as spin-masters in thrall to the administration. They are accused of not asking the tough questions, not noticing the obvious inconsistencies, not pointing out when performance lags significantly behind promises. Is it true or are we being too harsh?
Here's a little exercise. Read this AP story and tell me if it is penetrating journalism or mindless sycophancy.
President To Have a Lobster and Boat Ride Then Reveal "The Plan"
What do you think?
Did you somehow want to know what the Messiah has been doing for the last 30 months? Were you a bit inquisitive about the delay in output of the laser focus on jobs and the economy which we've heard about for two years? Might you have gagged just a little bit when you tripped over the earnest accusation that if only the mean ol' Congress would roll over for him all would be taken care of? And can you bear to wait to see the $4 TRILLION in cuts that he's going to reveal which will make the Gang of Twelve Supercommittee look like pikers?
The committed libtard idealogues like Obamalamadingdong only have 3 plays in their book, they just keep recycling them, updating them, and try to get them modern names. More government, increase spending, and increase taxes.
"The final details of Obama's new economic plan have not been decided..." That's just it isn't it? The devil is always in the details for the left, because they can never provide them, because they have never thought any of their pie in the sky plans through that far. And then it is always "unexpected" when they don't work. If you haven't worked out all the details, you don't have a plan. Go home, do the work, try again tomorrow...
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