Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Federal Tax Dollars at Work

Here's a story that should make you feel sooooo much safer in your homes and eager to see that the government got a goodly chunk of your pay check:

US Fish & Wildlife Agent Does Duty, Intimidates 11-Year Old, Supports Cat Delicacies

Is there no adult supervision there?


Anonymous said...

Well, at least the little scofflaw wasn't running a lemonade stand....

Six said...

There was a time in this country when such an incident would be used as an exercise to teach the child about good citizenship and responsibility. By both the parents and the agent. It's still a teaching moment, just not in any way recognizable as reasonable.

an Donalbane said...

Pssssst...Ed, we're talking about the gubbmint here - expectations are not high.

I sure hope those feathers my daughter picked up at the amusement park over the weekend weren't from eagles.