Friday, May 01, 2009

The Fight Against Private Enterprise

Now that we've successfully completed nationalization of the banks, the mortgage companies and the Detroit auto makers, we've got to watch the snow-ball roll down the hill to totally dismantle all free enterprise activity in this formerly capitalist country.

Listen to this Congress-critter from (drum roll please) Illinois:

Now, could someone please point out for me the section of the Constitution that enumerates that power for the federal government? Don't pull out the "general welfare" line, because that is about something other than government welfare handouts.

Competition and choice in a free-market simply scares the hell out of these people.


MagiK said...

What the sam hill does single parent advocates have to do with health care? So you did everything wrong and produced a kid out of wedlock and you want to be praised? And looked out for?

Don't these freakin congress critters even have to have a basic understanding of the Constitution anymore....grrrr

WV: rageaca about how Im feeling after that video.

Ed Rasimus said...

You're having an Emily Litella was "single payer" advocates, as in no competition in the marketplace. Only one entity, the gubmint pays.

Do I hear a "...never mind."

Anonymous said...

"It's all over now Baby Blue..."

MagiK said...

Ohhhhh Sorry should have caught that since I am in the Health Care provider racket (IT for major HMO)


Still the second half of my little hissy was spot on. Im watching the destroy health care from the inside out, and the Executive levels of Management are all for it. It's just crazy...they truely belive Nationalized Health Care is some how going to work if it is tried in the US despite the abject failures else where.


Carter Kaplan said...
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Carter Kaplan said...

A national health care system will amplify the worst drawbacks of the HMO system--micromanaged health care delivery, unreasonable flowchart routines (eg. having to get the "OK" from your "primary health care provider" to get admitted to the hospital). But in addition, the legal status of a national system empowered by legislative authority will shove us into the jaws of selective withholding of treatment (for example, if you are a smoker, sorry no heart surgery) and of course forced abortions and euthanasia.