Friday, October 02, 2009

Come to Chicago?

How often have we heard that he is narcissistic? Who says that with the Messiah, it's all about "me"? Why is he characterized that way?

Well, maybe it is when he says something like this as a reason for the members of the International Olympic Committee to choose Chicago for 2016:

Nearly one year ago, on a clear November night, people from every corner of the world gathered in the city of Chicago or in front of their televisions to watch the results of the U.S. Presidential election. Their interest wasn’t about me as an individual. Rather, it was rooted in the belief that America’s experiment in democracy still speaks to a set of universal aspirations and ideals. It sprung from the hope that in this ever-shrinking world, our diversity could be a source of strength and cause for celebration; and that with sustained work and determination, we could learn to live and prosper together during the fleeting moment we share on this Earth.

Yes, the city of brawny shoulders and mayhem in the streets was united "from every corner of the world" with folks who cared about...HIM!

Oh yeah, I know about that rich tapestry he describes. I know about those ethnic neighborhoods. They are marked with notices on the buildings and street corners so that you can read whose "turf" it is and if you ignore those markings bad things can happen to you.

You see, growing up, my family moved around a lot. And I never really had roots in any one place or culture or ethnic group. Then I came to Chicago. And on those Chicago streets, I worked alongside men and women who were black and white; Latino and Asian; people of every class and nationality and religion. I came to discover that Chicago is that most American of American cities, but one where citizens from more than 130 nations inhabit a rich tapestry of distinctive neighborhoods.

Wait a second. Did he just say he never had roots in any ethnic group? He didn't get dreams from his departed father? Wow, I must have misunderstood.

Read the blessedly short speech here:

What Will It Take to Put You in This Car Today?

Funny, but I don't feel compelled at all. In fact I don't see a single reason to deal with Chicago corruption, kickbacks, crime or congestion in that plea. I simply see an immature man demanding that he get his way "because."

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