Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Humor Site

We've had Laugh-In, then Monty Python and the persistent SNL, but now we find some really intense humor in a new location, the UN. This might be the generational equivalent to Mad Magazine or National Lampoon! We simply subscribe to the latest documents coming out of the United Nations and are insured daily laughs.

Today we've got this on counter-terrorism! I know, it doesn't sound like a war on terror, but you simply don't understand:

In case you weren't sure, human gender is "changeable over time and contexts," sex slaves must not be "stigmatized" for their work, and it's important to recognize the role of "transgender and intersex individuals as stakeholders" in counterterrorism policy.

Got that? RuPaul is a stakeholder in the War on Terror!

Here's more of this drivel:

The UN Has The Solution

Yes, the recommendation is "abandon the war paradigm"! The terrorists want to destroy your society, disrupt your world and kill you, but you can't simply go at this like a thug! What shall we do?

enshrine the principles of gender-equality and non-discrimination in the design and implementation of all counter-terrorism measures.

What the hell is this fool talking about?

There is no way we can rid the world of loons and weirdos. They will always walk among us. Usually we can spot them by their tin-foil hats and clothes-hanger antennae, but when we give them credibility and a platform with pretentions of seriousness we have gone too far.

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