Friday, November 04, 2011

Developing News

Two days ago I noted that PM Netanyahu had been raising the question of pre-emptive strike against Iran. The ensuing discussion questioned whether Israel had the capability and whether or not they could go it alone.

They certainly have the capability. They've proven their military repeatedly. Can they deal with the distance? Well, when the issue is your very survival as a nation you  can be motivated to do some amazing things. And the assumption that their very existence is threatened is not that difficult to make when the Iranian leadership keeps shouting that they will have a nuke and the first target is Israel.

Is there self-interest of other nations to support Israel? Most assuredly! The assumption that Arab states would stand with Iran is a bad one. Iranians are Persians, not Arabs. They are Shiite predominantly not Sunni. There is a long history of animosity. The belief that both are unified against Israel is not necessarily true.

But here is the big nail in the project:

Guardian Reports UK Planning Effort & US Assistance

The question remains whether the US administration will have the strength to act or whether they will hang back until a fait accompli at which time they will be dragged to the podium to take credit for decisiveness.


Anonymous said...

Has "where are the Carriers" been replaced by...

Where are the Ohio's?


MagiK said...

The current administration has replaced "where are the carriers" with "Where are the UN Peace Keepers" and "I will lead from behind!"

MagiK said...

Wonder if Barry has Decreed that Iran will stand down yet. He seems to think just saying things actually makes them ordering the FDA to prevent Pharma companies from running out of drugs.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious if this is being driven by events in Iran or the fact that De facto control of Iraqi Airspace by USAF will end on December 31St, 2011


Robman said...

I just can't see Obama hitting Iran. It would go against everything he's said or done up to now. I'll never forget during the Democrat presidential candidate debate back in '08, the way he hesitated and stammered before replying as to what he'd do if Israel were attacked with nuclear weapons emanating from Iran. One of his top advisors, Valerie Jarrett, was born in Iran. Rumor has it that she interceded against the raid against Bin Laden, that Obama would not make a decision, and that actually, it was Panetta and Hillary who really made that strike happen. Obama strike Iran? No way.