Sunday, October 04, 2009

An Honest Appraisal So Far

Hat tip to Chicago Ray for this:


juvat said...

Well,there is that little matter of doubling the national debt.

Ed Rasimus said...

See, there you go again. That's patently untrue! He hasn't doubled the national debt, he has quadrupled the deficit! Big difference. Let's give him credit where credit is due. Ooops, we've no longer got any credit? Never mind.

Jazman from New Zealand said...

What a hoot this is !!! Ed I have been in US for 5 weeks travelling around mainly New England and the East Coast, Chicago,New York and now South Carolina. I grabbed your book "Palace Cobra".and had a most enjoyable read... very enlightening indeed, and I am now wading my way through your blog I love US and the people and visit as regularly as I can but it always amazes me with all due respect how your education system has indoctrinated students. The young adults I have met from New York to Charleston have a curiosity a mile wide and an inch deep. I have been into Barnes and Nobel on many occasionson this trip and find it empty of people under the age of 30. This is scary they dont read!!! The news on televison in pithy and thin on overseas content. I only found out about a tsunami that was about to hit my country by chance
by checking my email two hours before so I was able to warn my daughter to get to higher ground. Instead I had to put up with some tosser called Letterman spilling the beans about him not being able to dick in his pants.
Everyone seems powerless here for some reason. Maybe is the enormity of the country and its diverse views but I love it ! I have faith it will come right !