Saturday, October 24, 2009

Trust But Verify

Coming home from the college yesterday I was listening to Rush and astonished, gratified, offended and a bit enraged all at the same time. The Rush-Rant of the day was the release of the first ten pages of the Messiah's Columbia University senior thesis to Time Magazine writer, Joel Klein.

The statements were outrageous and largely confirmed the decidedly poor opinion I've developed of the man and his motivations. I was going to post a blog piece on it after reading the full text. That's when suspicion crept in.

I easily found Klein online, but couldn't get any full copy of his article. Alarm bells. Some Google and Bing work got hits on some of the phrases that Rush had used but they were all bloggers and clearly all from one end of the political spectrum. (Not, as Seinfeld would say, that there is anything wrong with that.)

Today, we've got this:

Internet Hoaxes I Have Seen

Yep, just another piece of satire. It sounds so plausible and reinforces exactly what we know that it immediately is believable. Atlas Shrugs says he has said those things in other contexts, so there can be some credence given, but it wasn't a written article and wasn't exposed to Klein and it wasn't a university thesis.

What it was would seem to be a huge faux pas for Rush.

Which only raises the question once again: did the Bamster ever write a thesis? Is there some record of his work at Columbia and Harvard? What did he say and when did he say it?

That info would certainly put these satire pieces out of business, but it might be more damaging, heh?

ADDENDUM: Jumping In Pools Found to Be Source

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