Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Simple Question

There are profound questions in life which we seldom ask. Maybe we are too busy. Maybe they are too profound. Maybe we aren't willing to examine the issue but simply fall back on the easy way out. Remember Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's famous, "I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it."

The American Thinker today asks a superficial question, "is he intent on our destruction or is he a puppet of nefarious masters who will damage us?" But then they go to the core and more essential question, "What is evil?"

Do You Know It When You See It?

I knew it when I watched the LA riots after the Rodney King trial. I watched that truck driver hauled from the cab of his rig at an intersection while a thug threw a concrete block on his head.

I knew it when I watched a 757 fly into the World Trade Center.

And I knew it this week when I watched the sub-humans on the streets of Chicago take a two-by-four and kill a man in cold blood while someone video-taped it.

We are surrounded by evil and apparently we are unable to do much about it. It gets worse each day.


Zebra said...

Ed, the "man" murdered in Chicago was a young High School HONOR student. What a terrible loss. I hope those punks that killed this fine young man are put in prison and the key thrown away. These animals don't deserve to see the light of day. Maybe we need to bring back public hangings.

LauraB said...

I could not watch it. I'd seen such scenes too often growing up in that hellhole. One became almost immune to the daily horrors - it was a kind of lessening of the soul.

I've never returned to that city. I pray I never need to...

Six said...

I watched enough to know you're right Ed. Evil is the only way to say it.
Where once it was very rare for me to respond to a juvenile call worse than a fist fight now I regularly see kids arrested for everything from mugging little old ladies to multiple murder.
Blame can be laid on the parents but we also get our share. We've allowed a government that routinely takes criminal action against parents and teachers who attempt to discipline the anti-social behaviors out of these children. I've had parents tell me to take their child, they can no longer control them within the bounds our society allows.
I know it's far more complex than that but we have got to do better. If we continue down this road, forget radical islamic fundalism, our downfall will be at the hands of the children we have raised. Or failed to.