Friday, April 02, 2010

Ya Gotta Shake It

My gag reflex is being overworked this morning. Here's a puff piece that further illustrates the state of America's "news media".

Yay (sic) Brocolli Shmocolli

I can only hope that this would have a lot of follow-up, with the WaPo revisiting the garden every other day from now until harvest, which will strangely be in about three weeks if the same amazing growth takes place this year as last. I want them to report progress each time the First Lady is back in the garden weeding and watering and tending to the crop.

Somehow I can't avoid the flashback to scenes of Tara with two separate cadres of "house" and "field" hands, except this one is done in a negative print with colors reversed.

1 comment:

nzgarry said...

1000 lbs of garden produce is a quite a lot for a home garden.
Did someone let John Deere loose on the Whitehouse lawn?.