Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sacrificial Lamb

I can believe this. I don't like the fact that someone in a supposedly responsible position would suggest it. But I believe it.

How Low and Slow Do You Want It?

Clinton officials held small, weekly White House breakfasts in National Security Advisor Sandy Berger’s office.

That is so reminiscent of the Tuesday morning breakfast meetings that LBJ and McNamara used to have in '66 to discuss what worthless targets they would dole out for us to risk our lives attacking in North Vietnam. With croissants and orange juice they drew circles on maps to isolate anything of value and then expended us wholesale in futile sorties calculated not to damage the enemy.

I guess it is a Democratic defense tradition.


an Donalbane said...

Together with Wag the Dog.

juvat said...

Well, let's see if your hypothesis about Democratic Defense Policy stands up to history.
JFK, Bay of Pigs, no Air Support, Check.
LBJ - As described. Check
Carter- Tehran US Embassy, Check
Billy Jeff, Mogadishu, Check
Barry O, Restraint Medals, half a surge in the AF, restrictive ROE....Yep, that's a check.
So we have to go back to Truman to get a Democrat with any cojones at all. Yep, Ras, I think your hypothesis is valid.