Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chump Change

You've seen the footage of the earthquake and tsunami. You've seen the incredible damage. Now to put it in perspective, read this:

Estimates Range to $30 Billion

Sort of puts it in perspective for you doesn't it? I mean by the scale of Obama's stimulations it becomes mere pocket change. $865 billion last year for economic pumping gives you a bit of insight into what that much money looks like relative to what you've seen in Japan. Maybe he should fire off a few bags of money, suitably plucked for pocket lint, of course.

1 comment:

juvat said...

So, Ed, if I did the math right, the $865,000,000,000 bailout could have completely paid for Japan's recovery and the next 27.83 earthquake/tsunamis of equal magnitude and damage? But, yet, it seems to have had no (positive) effect on our economy. Our best and brightest Government must really be puzzled.

End Sarcasm