Monday, October 24, 2011

For Your Consideration

This story has a lot of underlying currents:

AF "Vet" Objects to Pledge Policy

Jumping right out at you is the core principle that teaching respect for the heritage, history and symbols of your county has value. Not getting that indicates a generational failure in our educational system.

Then consider the rest of the scenario. She is advertised as a USAF veteran. That would logically lead to an oath of office to defend and protect this nation. It would inevitably mean salutes to that flag she wants her daughter shielded from. It would mean many situations showing respect for the flag and the other symbols. It would mean her casket would have been covered by that very flag had she died in service. It means she was willing to take the King's schilling.

Her "partner" similarly signed up to protect and defend that flag. He must have had similar requirements for symbolic respect to the symbols of the nation. He also took the paycheck and did so despite being an immigrant who sought citizenship.

The daughter is shown a school with a state law that is ignored as a matter of individual school policy. Somehow that sort of selective adoption of rules is not part of any reasonable education I could recommend.

I don't think highly of military veterans that burst into tears over their child being asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. And I can't follow the rationale that this relates in any way to her dead partner's demise after achieving citizenship. She is irrational.


Hippo said...

Nobody like that in my AF back in the day (65-85).

Anonymous said...

As a Chief....not an E-9....with 33 years in the Blue....this sniveling piece of welfare excrement should be "invited" to relocate to a place that has a more "world view." Maybe Somalia???

I would have done my best to ensure her "term of service" never reached 4 years. Sometimes you have to admit that the expense to train one is a bad investment and a huge mistake. She is.

Hippo said...

Well said Chief and a hand salute to you, sir.

FlyingBarrister said...

One of the side effects of having the military function as a mode of financing an education and social advancement is that you get some real Zero REMF's among the ranks.

She is Exhibit 1 for Zero REMF's.