Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Countdown to Olympiad

The anticipation hype is nearly over and now we are about ready to start the exaggerations and re-interpretations that what you are seeing on your television screen is not the way that it really is. The Ministry of Truth will be making every effort to insure that you completely understand the real visions that you are being told to watch.

Read this transcript of an in-the-can fill video to be run by NBC:

They Are All Incredibly Happy

Take a few minutes to scroll down at the end of the piece and check out a some of the comments. Is it any wonder that the major networks have lost all credibility with their coverage of anything?

Is there a mature soul in this entire nation who has been alive during the last thirty or forty years who can swallow that propaganda that Lauer and his echo board are spewing? Did you get the part that China was in “social chaos” from the Opium Wars of the 1870s until the birth of the New China (also known as the People’s Republic of…) in 1949? After that time they sagely note that there were decades of social chaos continuing! So, why even point out the break in form from corruption of the Empire to corruption of Communist Party rule? Must have been those happy, happy, oh so happy Five Year Plans of Mao that pumped up the place.

So, now they’ve got this idiot standing there telling us that “this is not the Soviet Union with some late-stage coma patient Communist Party.” Am I to then believe that this is now some new and improved version, sort of Obama Lite, which has given them new optimism while allowing the development of a free market economy?

Well, yes, we must note that there was that little dust-up in Tiananmen Square a few years ago. But that was just a bit of discipline for some rowdies in the park. Sort of what we’ll be seeing in downtown Denver a day or two after the closing ceremonies.

And, there has been that mix-up about getting the government out of the way for visitors to the enlightened paradise so that they can get their email without being hauled away for subversion. We might have a few restrictions show up on picture taking in the wrong directions or maybe wanting to head down the wrong streets, but that’s all for the safety of the athletes.

Yep, ol’ Matt’s got it right. Those Chinese are one happy bunch of campers. And we Americans are in the depth of clinical depression. Don’t we all wish that we could become Chinese?

Might it be because the Chinese people are beginning to see what is possible in a non-Communist future? And we are beginning to realize what we’ve already lost in terms of our freedoms and what more we are on the verge of losing in the very near future.

Keep watching. They are going to spoon feed you with more of this worker’s paradise crap in the coming two weeks. Lots more.

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