Saturday, August 30, 2008

Got Your Change Right Here

I was shocked, but then in a matter of a few minutes, impressed with the choice. Here is a perfect foil for the tired arguments of the Democrats. Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, makes an incredible amount of sense here. Just consider the arguments that her presence on the ticket takes off the table.

McCain isn’t socially conservative enough. OK, how about a staunchly pro-life individual who walks the walk to the point of being a mother of five children and resisting the easy out of abortion when her last was diagnosed before birth as Down Syndrome. Pretty hard to suggest that the social conservatives are being ignored by the McCain candidacy.

McCain is too old and out of touch. Then let’s contrast the age and in-command presence of a forty-four year old woman with Obama himself. Let’s chalk up a list of clear and visible life-time accomplishments between the governor and the Messiah. Remember he had a two year head start.

McCain is sexist. But, the women of the Democratic Party have been claiming that of Obama as well. Now, we’ve got the woman on the Republican ticket and a refuge for disaffected Clinton voters who first were victimized by Obama “stealing the nomination” and then dissed when Sen. Clinton didn’t even get rudimentary consideration for the VP slot. If they want a qualified, capable woman, they need look no further than the other side of the political fence.

McCain is a Beltway insider. You mean like Biden, who’s been there for thirteen years longer? I’d have to say that Juneau is about as far from Washington DC as you can get.

McCain lacks executive experience. That was Wes Clark’s attempt to belittle what a commissioned officer in the military is supposed to do for a living. Here we introduce a governor of a large, developing state. She has grappled with an entire executive branch, brought ethical reforms to the state, opposed the pork-barreling of her own party’s Senator Stevens who is now under indictment and built a major, environmentally prudent oil/gas pipeline to deliver Alaska’s energy to the consumers of the US. Et tu, Barack?

Not fit to be Commander-in-Chief? Palin’s oldest son joined the Army on September 11, 2007 and is due to deploy to Iraq shortly. She’s got credible insight into what it means to have your family involved in the War on Terror. Plus she’s the CINC of the Alaska State Guard, comprised of Army and AF operational units which have deployed in combat in the ongoing war. She’s visited the combat theater, and done so before Obama got there a few weeks ago.

McCain isn’t environmentally friendly enough? Palin has been governor of arguably the most environmentally sensitive state in the Union. She is knowledgeable of the issues of mining, resource exploitation, water, forests and climate. That sort of background doesn’t come from watching an Al Gore PowerPoint movie. She favors drilling in ANWR, creating the jobs there, exploiting the state’s natural wealth and knows that it can be done responsibly.

And, did I mention that the governor is a former beauty pageant winner and a life member of the National Rifle Association? Hunts moose too!

Another List of the Bonuses

But, there will be blood:

Beat'em To The Punch

This is a political home run—a personable, intelligent, ethical, conservative, beautiful, gun-loving, principled, accomplished, experienced, mature, youthful woman qualified to be vice president and maybe even a future chief executive that we could be proud of.

Like a Naughty Librarian

I’ll bet she wouldn’t sit through a Jeremiah Wright sermon.


Sparrow said...

Well said. I think Sarah Palin has already excited the conservative base, and that important turnout is going to be needed.

I hated reading one of the Dem females saying "Well, she may be a woman but she doesn't come down on the right side of the issues important to women." Sarah Palin is on the right side of the issues that are important to ME. I resent the Dems trying to say they speak for all women, as if all women think the same on the issues.

MagiK said...

I was disappointed to hear the comments of someone I love about Palin...apparently the looney left is painting her as a whore for allowing McCain to "USE" her to get votes. As if the VP pick has ever been about anything but shoring up a candidates weak points. I actually heard someone mention that Sarah Palin didn't have enough experience to be VP or President...I was just speechless, this coming from someone who supports Obama for President.. What can one say in the face of such hypocrisy?