Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Business Not as Usual

The tide is changing and it isn't happening in a subtle way. The electorate is tired of the inbreeding and subversion of the democratic political process. The Tea Party movement is a clear manifestation and despite every attempt to label it as racist, extremist, uber-conservative, repressive or Religious Right Redux, it is gaining momentum.

The concept is pretty simple, really. Let's run the country like we were taught to run our lives. Let's save for what we want and be prepared to pay for it. Let's borrow for essentials and only to the extent we can repay in a reasonable time. If we can't afford something, we will do without. If we don't have what we need, we will get to work figuring out a way to earn it. We will refrain from expectations of handouts, guarantees of outcomes and instant gratification. We will reread the Constitution and demand that it be applied as written. We will not contort the language to gain outcomes which are politically correct or empathetic for the plight of a nominally oppressed underclass. We will actually note content of character again. Earn it and you get to keep it.

Along the way we are noting in spades exactly why Sarah Palin has been so vilified by the left. The clear reason is that she is proving to be damned good at enunciating the voice of the people and mustering the electorate to reclaim our country. That must simply terrify the Left.

Incumbent Murkowski Concedes Quickly

With an election day loss margin of only 1600 votes, I was positive that the outcome would pivot on the manual tabulation of absentee votes and early voting. It would take weeks and then loads of challenges ala Franken. Apparently the opening of a few dozen envelopes from Alaskans around the world has quickly shown the incumbent Senator the way to the door without further ado.

Is this a Palin vendetta or is there rational justification for the purge of a sitting US Senator from her own party?

I knew that Murkowski was the daughter of a former US Senator from AK, but the relationship is deeper than that.

Bringing Definition to RINO

What do you want for Christmas daughter? Did you follow that history? Daddy is the Senator from Alaska. He decides he wants to be Governor and he wins election. He then appoints his daughter to his vacated Senate seat. Can anybody in that family spell ethical? Blago at least wanted some gold.

So how has she done? She is ostensibly a Republican. She has resisted her party's leadership efforts to employ the very same filibuster-in-committee tactics which the opposition used successfully to stifle presidential appointments. She is staunchly pro-choice, denying her party's platform position. She promotes federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. She is for federal healthcare and expansion of federally supported child healthcare subsidies. She supports the DC Voting Rights Act which would effectively guarantee two senators and a representative to the Democratic Party in perpetuity. And she buys into that whole enviro bio-fuel business.

It seems that the people of Alaska have decided that a family business of sitting in the Senate might work for the Kennedy's but not for them. They actually seem to believe that an ostensibly conservative party should elect a conservative.

And Sarah Palin rolls on. I don't think she is yet presidential material. But then I didn't think Obama was up to it either and he got elected. Sarah is a force to be reckoned with, however, and that scares the Left quite a bit. They should be afraid. The beast is awakening and I think he is hungry.


bongobear said...

Good analysis Ed. I really like Palin and hope she does what she needs to be seen as a viable candidate. I think a female president would be good for the country.

juvat said...

I could care less if the President is male or female, black or white, Christian, Jew or Muslim, Gay or Hetero. All I want is for the President to be competent and fully compliant with the oath of Office. You and defend the Constitution of the United States. The current nimrod has none of those characteristics.

MagiK said...

Support and defend the constitution...what a Novel concept, seems like damn few politicians remember that little bit of the oath they swear.