Saturday, September 25, 2010

In Questionable Taste

They should be afraid for their jobs. Their performance has been pathetic over the last two years and since they have abandoned any pretense of being responsive to the electorate it should be apparent to them that the nation is watching and getting ready to sweep the place clean.

A prudent individual would be on their best behavior. They would be cautious and try to avoid mis-steps. Most would try to look as though they were taking the job seriously. They would soberly discuss the problems the nation faces and consider meaningful solutions. They would try to look like professionals.

Apparently that isn't the case in the House of Representatives this week.

Colbert in Character Does Stand-up Sitting Before Congress

Immigration reform should be serious business. I'd like to think that they would hope to learn details of the problem that might contribute to crafting a workable solution. Instead they get this pithy commentary:

"This is America," Colbert said. "I don't want a tomato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked by an American, then sliced by a Guatemalan and served by a Venezuelan in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian."

Who thought this would be a good idea?

In her eighth term. She lists her previous occupations as "attorney" and "congressional aide". Even though conspicuously lacking in work experience she should have some semblance of mature, adult judgment.

The stunt was so outrageous than even committee co-chairman, John Conyers, wanted Colbert to simply get out of the chair and wait in the hall. Conyers isn't the sharpest knife in the Democrats drawer, but he made the right call on this one. Zoe, however, didn't take the easy way out.

1 comment:

LauraB said...

But it kicked that whole New Black Panthers case right off the news, didn't it?