Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Beat Goes On

The mining of pearls of wisdom from commentary after the SOTU speech is still quite productive. This little interchange from Sarah Palin on Greta (the Ambulance Chaser) Van Susteren:
“His theme last night was wtf, winning the future,” she continued. “I thought, okay, that acronym - spot on. There were a lot of wtf moments throughout that speech.”

Palin, seemingly pleased with her joke, repeated the line later in the interview while poking Obama for referencing Sputnik in another section of his address.

“That was another wtf moment,” she said.
I've given up on saying WTF after a Bamster speech, or a Pelosi or Reid or Durbin or Schumer for that matter.

Now I lean more toward WGAS. Or even the more directive, ROMFYOYO.

The only problem I see going forward is that there are still some Republicrats in Congress that lean on BTSOM.

TNSTAAFL either.


bongobear said...

Come on, Ed. How about a glossary for us uninformed in the audience?

MagiK said...

TANSTAAFL My all time Heinlein favorite and something Politicians and the electorate should learn and take to heart. (If you dont know what the acronyms mean just put them in google :D)