Monday, January 24, 2011

Carpetbagger Bagged

You own a house. You move 1500 miles away to work for a couple of years. You rent the house to someone else. You don't live in that house any more. Or do you?

Not So Fast Rahm!

I'm thinking some Illinois Supreme Court justices stand a good chance of waking up with a horse's head in their bed or maybe getting a delivery of a nice fresh bacala wrapped in newspaper.


Murphy's Law said...

I'm still laughing...unless and until it throws the race to Carol Mosley Braun. Only in Chicago can a woman who was tossed out of the Senate by her own party over corruption and apathy towards her voters come back and become mayor.

MagiK said...

Never understimate the stupidity of the American know I am quite certain it was never meant to be "one man, one vote" I firmly believe the intention was that only Intellgient/educated property owners were intended to be electing officials....

Ed Rasimus said...

I'man, "one man, one vote" refers to proportional representation in a legislative body. It mandates that all districts in a body contain approximately the same number of citizens. Applies to Congress, state legislatures, county commission districts and city councils. N/A on the Emmanuel issue.

Anonymous said...

He will be on the ballot.

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

Yeah, like there was ever a chance he wouldn't?