Thursday, September 06, 2012

Start With A One Car Parade...

We are seeking leadership to run what was once the undisputed greatest nation in the world. We've given someone four years to grasp the reins and demonstrate capability. Admittedly some of the administration has less than relevant qualifications, but at least they are diverse and ideologically committed. Credit where due must be given.

But, now we're watching how they organize, coordinate and executive a four day event. This is not like a blank sheet of paper activity. The first Democratic Party National Convention was held in 1832. They've managed it (with a bit of a break during the Civil War--where they fought to preserve slavery!) every four years. So, you've got an Operations Order shell to work from. Simply update, evaluate, implement and walk away with a five point or more bounce in the polls.

This is, of course, unless you put your incompetence on display for the world to see. No matter how many times you bring the Georgetown Mattress-Thrasher to the stage, you don't win when you broadcast three voice votes and three TV live shots of huge numbers of your base screaming against the inclusion of "God" in the platform. Not Christ or Allah or Yaweh, just God as "In God We Trust"!

Then your reach far exceeds your grasp with a grandiose massive Roman Coliseum triumph that you cancel because of purported safety concerns. In the process you look like a fool, offend huge numbers of your base who expected to be in the audience in return for their labors, and you are left with a paste-up final climax drastically down-sized and tragically without balloons.

So, we've got huge failure on a four day scripted party. You want to entrust the economy, foreign affairs, the environment, energy policy, security and defense to these guys?

They need some training first like a one-car parade, then maybe work on two...


bongobear said...

Georgetown mattress-thrasher...I love it!

Anonymous said...

me too! I just checked the NY Times-no mention of this stuff as near as I could see. Wolfpack Jack

foxone12 said...

Problem is, the Obama faithful will remain ever faithful. Those who naturally run for cover will still run, and those of us who didn't want President Obama in office four years ago, still don't. Just hope and pray that there are enough thoughtful voters to see the disaster that has befallen our country. Right now I find myself on the side of HOPE and CHANGE, but it doesn't mean what it did four years ago!

MagiK said...

I think Spike Lee may have been more right than I would like when he called Obama Black Jesus. Talking to my friends that are black...and listening to their friends on facebook...comments like "Everything the Romny Campaign says is a lie", "Obama is the best president this nation has ever had", "Republicans were responsible for him not getting anything done even when the Dems had a super majority", and "All white people who don't agree with Obama are Racist and all Blacks who don't agree with him are Uncle Toms" with utter devotion and convictions....and using the governments own numbers to refute them doesn't earn any credit either...they are well and truly into utter devotion to the man....very sad.